Green is the New Black
*Ceci est seulement disponible en anglais
April 21, 2020 - This blog first appeared in The Walleye Magazine, April issue
April 21, 2020 - This blog first appeared in The Walleye Magazine, April issue
April 14, 2020 - Northern Ontario communities are increasingly turning to international immigrants to fill labour gaps. However, in order to attract, integrate, and retain people, a lot of work must be done - especially at the community-level.
April 7, 2020 - This blog first appeared in Northern Ontario Business.
March 31, 2020 - The impacts from COVID-19 are and will continue to be felt in Northern Ontario. In the months ahead, policy makers, municipal leaders, and community-members will be asking questions about just how badly this pandemic will affect communities and, perhaps more importantly, how to move forward. But, in deciding how to strategize for the future, one thing should be certain: immigrants must be included in our strategy.
March 24, 2020 - This blog first appeared in The Walleye Magazine, November issue
4 Mars, 2020 - Si quelqu’un n'a pas le bon équipement, il est difficile de faire du bon travail. La priorité de ceux qui travaillent dans les métiers, c’est avoir du matériel de protection individuelle (MPI) adéquat. Comme de plus en plus de femmes arrivaient sur le marché du travail dans le secteur des métiers, trouver du MPI bien adapté était une tâche difficile; elle est maintenant facile grâce à Covergalls.
March 3, 2020 - This blog first appeared in Northern Ontario Business.
March 3, 2020 - This blog first appeared in The Walleye Magazine, September issue
5 février, 2020 - Chaque endroit a une histoire qui attend d'être découverte par ceux qui le visitent. C'est en racontant ces histoires que Tourisme Wikwemikong permet aux visiteurs de découvrir véritablement la région ainsi que la culture locale. Qui de mieux pour raconter l'histoire que ceux qui considèrent la région comme leur chez-eux?
February 4, 2020 - This blog first appeared in Northern Ontario Business.