Latest Policy Bytes

Home Is Where The (Remote) Work Is

December 14, 2020 - At the expense of sounding like a broken record, COVID-19 has greatly changed the way we work. During the pandemic, jobs that weren't considered essential services were forced to either close down, or find a new way to keep operations going.

Old Rails, Trails, and Broadband: The Story of Manitouwadge's Multi-Use Trail

December 2, 2020 - What does high-speed internet service and snowmobiling have in common? No, it’s not a trick question. The Township of Manitouwadge, in partnership with Northern Broadband Wireless, found a way to combine the two by using a decommissioned rail bed, now turned multi-use trail. With the repurposing of the old rail bed, Manitouwadge became connected in more ways than one – both through broadband internet access and a snowmobile route linking it to other parts of the region.

Why You Should Donate in Hard Times

December 2, 2020 - Charities play a large, but often unrecognized, role in our everyday life. Did you know, when you go exercise at your local YMCA, go see a play at the Capitol Centre, or check out a book at the library, you are interacting with, or using services provided by, a charity?

Putting the Economy on Ice

October 27, 2020 - In Ontario, well known national sports teams are most commonly found in Southern Ontario such as the Toronto Blue Jays, Ottawa Senators, Hamilton Tiger-Cats and the Toronto Raptors. Many successful athletes move to southern Ontario to join these teams by default of not having options in the North. But there is one sport that has a national ‘Northern Ontario’ team. It is curling!

A Public Health Mish-M*A*S*H

October 13, 2020 - There are a few things about the organization of public health in the province of Ontario that have complicated the kind of coordinated and organized response a crisis of the scale we are facing with COVID-19 requires.