Write for Us
We invite you to help us fully explore all areas of public policy by writing for us in one of several ways.
1. Profile Your Work or Submit Existing Research
If you have published, are about to publish, have read, or even just recall reading a paper or report that impacts one of our priority areas of research and is relevant to Northern Ontario, let us know. We are happy to profile the work of others. Please note, that in assessing whether to republish or promote these existing resources we will use the same criteria that we use in assessing whether to commission new work, namely:
- Does the paper present, expand or utilize sound evidentiary data?
- Does it enhance our collective ability to measure not only where we have been, but where we are going, and whether policy interventions are even making a difference – for good or ill?
- Does it use that data to focus policy advice on ways to build SUSTAINABLE community capacity? Or enhance the sustainability of existing capacity? We need to be clear on the costs and the benefits of our actions, even where they do not, should not, or cannot be perfectly balanced. Our goal, however, should always be to enhance our ability to pay for the services we have collectively decided we need.
- Does it focus on enhancing self-sufficiency (of individuals, communities, sub-regions and the region as a whole)? Not necessarily achieving self-sufficiency, but enhancing it. Helping people and communities maximize their capacity to contribute to their own well-being and the well-being of others.
2. Propose a Paper
Northern Policy Institute is pleased to call for specific paper proposals in the categories listed below. This section will update regularly, so you should check back often.
There are currently no requests for proposals. Check back regularly for updates.
Community Capacity
There are currently no requests for proposals. Check back regularly for updates.
There are currently no requests for proposals. Check back regularly for updates.
Proposals should include:
- A clear statement of your intended approach to the question at hand and why it is on par with, if not superior to, other alternative approaches
- A preliminary assessment of the data available to support the analysis, or a statement of the expected enhancement to our collective evidence based understanding of the issue upon completion of the work
- An estimate of the time needed to complete the work
- Identification of any assistance you will require from NPI or NPI staff (research assistance, data purchase, access to specialized software or analytical tools, etc)
- A statement of your qualifications and the assets you (or your team) bring to the issue at hand (research capacity, access to specialty data, access to specialized software or analytical tools, etc)
- A statement of your expected fee
3. Writing for Policy Bytes
Policy Bytes must be evidence based, solution oriented, and readily accessible to the average lay reader. Northern Policy Institute will use three different types of Policy Bytes; educational, policy advice, and success stories.
Policy advice Bytes should look like this:
- State the problem;
- Detail its consequences with evidence and real impact on real people;
- Outline potential solutions with evidence or theoretical foundation (and informal citations);
- Pick one solution to recommend as the correct one, and explain why.
Educational Bytes should look like this:
- State the problem;
- Detail the various positions on it;
- Highlight the strengths and weaknesses of all positions;
- Pick a side.
Success stories should look like this:
Introduce a story that highlights success or good news in the North;
Provide background;
Discuss current developments;
Discuss future of project or organization;
Should include direct comments from individuals involved.
It is important to note that NPI is a NON-partisan research organization. As a result, Policy Bytes should not attack one political party or politician without dealing with all of the others, and NEVER refer to a government according to their political stripe or their leader's name.
NPI focuses on evidence-based material. Policy Bytes should avoid generic "experts say" statements. Proper citations should be provided where required and credit should always be given to another individual's words, ideas, or research.
Be objective and don't tell one side of the story. Use at least two sides; three or more if possible.
4. Volunteers and Contractors
Northern Policy Institute constantly collects names, resumes and contact information for individuals to serve on our many internal volunteer groups or as paid contractors as authors, readers or researchers. Individuals are invited to self-nominate or to nominate others for any and all of these positions. All applicants and all positions are reviewed regularly to ensure the maximum breadth and diversity of views within Northern Policy Institute.