Our work isn't possible without your support
Ease of Donation
We thank you for your support.
FRIEND - $1,500
- Recognition on NPI website including a link from your logo to your website
- Recognition on NPI social media platforms including a link from your logo to your website
- Recognition in NPI's Annual Report - including a link from your logo to your website in our digital edition
NETWORK - $1,000
- Recognition on NPI website (including a link to your website)
- Recognition on NPI social media platforms (including a link to your website)
- Recognition in NPI's Annual Report
- Recognition on NPI website
- Recognition on NPI social media platforms
- Recognition in NPI's Annual Report
Supporter - All Other Amounts
- Recognition in NPI's Annual Report
Make a Difference
Northern Policy Institute is a federally registered charity for educational purposes. We conduct practical research on issues impacting the communities where we live and work. Our vision is to have a growing, sustainable, and self-sufficient Northern Ontario.
As an organization seeking to be exclusively evidence driven, independence (especially financial independence) is key. That starts with a diverse funding base. Your support ensures we can continue to identify policy opportunities to make your community stronger, healthier, and more vibrant.
All donations will be acknowledged, and tax receipts will be issued for donations over $10.00.
Charitable registration number: 83745 8330 RR 0001