Latest Policy Bytes

Nous devons parler (we need to talk): Maintaining the Vitality of French-Speaking Communities

February 24, 2022 - An aging population, low fertility rates, and high levels of youth out migration: we’ve heard it all before. But what does this demographic shift mean for minority groups already in Ontario’s northern regions? Well, for the French-speaking population, it could impact the availability of French services such as access to a French-speaking nurse or the supply of French school teachers.

Measurement Month: Let's Get it Together

February 1, 2022 - Surveys, surveys, everywhere. If you live and work in Northern Ontario, you no doubt have been targeted by a survey. Likely more than one. You may even receive a few on the same day. The reason for that is simple.

You had me at “Public Policy”

When it comes to Experience North, you can’t blink —the four months always seem to fly by in an instant. However, like each Experience North cohort, their time here at NPI is jam-packed. From research and writing to getting out in the community, the Experience North placements are very busy.  

Experience North 2021 Summer Wrap up Blog

One of the questions we hear during interviews is what the day to day is like at NPI. Well, as we like to say: “It depends.” This summer was certainly no exception and our summer placements pushed forward on all sorts of policy, communications, and finance projects. As always, we’re incredibly proud of what these young professionals bring to the team and the Institute as a whole is better for it.