Measurement Month


In February 2022, Northern Policy Institute, in partnership with organizations across Ontario's northern regions, launched Measurement Month. Measurement Month is an annual effort to leverage our individual resources to collect consistent, comparable data to inform decision-making at the local, regional, provincial, and national level. This Measurement Month will focus on racism, reconciliation, welcoming, and individual well-being.

Measurement Month Throughout the Years

Measurement Month 2024

Measurement Month 2023

Measurement Month 2022


Measurement Month 2021


Survey Areas for 2025

Employer Preparedness Survey
  • Measuring and assessing the ability of employers to meet the unique needs of immigrants and diverse groups. 
  • Eligible respondents: Organizations/businesses in any industry, that have at least one employee.

Take the survey!

Individual Well-Being Survey
  • Measuring and assessing various dimensions of individual well-being in Northern Ontario communities.  

  • Eligible respondents: All individuals in Northern Ontario. 

Take the survey!

New Arrival Survey
  • Measuring and assessing the experiences of individuals who recently moved to a Northern Ontario community. 
  • Eligible respondents: Individuals who moved to a Northern Ontario community within the past five years (including those who moved from elsewhere in Northern Ontario). 

Take the survey!

Experiences with Racism Survey
  • Measuring and assessing individual experiences and perceptions of racism in Northern Ontario communities. 
  • Eligible respondents: All individuals in Northern Ontario. 

Take the survey!

Attitudes Towards Immigration Survey
  • Measuring and assessing individual attitudes and opinions towards immigration in Northern Ontario communities.  
  • Eligible respondents: All individuals in Northern Ontario. 

Take the survey!

Partner Information

PROMOTE the surveys, on social media, on your website, in your newsletters or other regular communications you may distribute.

PARTNER on a survey. Pick one survey (there are five to choose from), distribute it to your clients and contacts, encourage them to respond.

How does Measurement Month help YOU?

  1. Alignment of Northern Ontario data collection efforts, i.e.:
    1. A collective effort to increase response rates
    2. Comparable data across regions collected simultaneously
    3. Using a consistent survey tool
  2. NPI will prepare the messaging and graphics
  3. Your organization's logo will be displayed on this master survey landing page and your organization will be listed as an informal partner in NPI's annual report
  4. NPI will analyze the data and will provide, for your use, the anonymized data for your region (pending appropriate response rates)

Any questions? - Contact Us

This does not work without you. Any organizations that are interested in helping with the survey effort are encouraged to reach out to our President and CEO - Charles Cirtwill, either over email ( or by phone (1- 807-632-7999).