Employment Calculator
Employment Calculator
An initiative from the North Superior Workforce Planning Board your Local Employment Planning Council in partnership with Northern Policy Institute
Just as all politics are local so too is all employment. In census years we can secure a great deal of information about local communities throughout the Thunder Bay region. In between census years, it is very difficult to measure changes in those smaller northern communities. It is possible, however, to estimate those changes. This is what the North Superior Workforce Planning Board's “Employment Calculator” does.
In non-census years there are reliable measures readily available for the Thunder Bay Census Metropolitan Area. Our smaller communities are not immune to changes in the economy of Thunder Bay, and in many cases changes in its economy reflect changes in the areas surrounding it. We can, in fact, identify historical relationships between population, labour market and economic indicators in our smaller communities to this larger unit. Using those historical trends we have developed community specific formulas to estimate workforce indicators in the years ahead, before the next census data is released.
The calculator also includes, for reference, actual recorded data from 2001 to 2016 included in either the Census or the National Household Survey (2016). This tool may be accessed at www.employmentcalculator.ca
Guide to the Employment Calculator