Temporary Residents, Permanent Benefits


Temporary Residents, Permanent Benefits: How temporary residents fill vacancies, pay taxes, and keep the local economy rolling 

August 2022 | Samrul Aahad

August, 2022 – Temporary residents play an increasingly important role in Northern Ontario’s economy by filling job vacancies, paying taxes and tuition, and re-investing their money into the local communities. There are over 11,000 temporary residents working and studying in Northern Ontario with generated economic activity over half a billion dollars, which is significant for the fostering of sustainable northern communities.

This paper further breaks down their economic impact and looks at the permanent benefits temporary residents bring to Northern Ontario communities.


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 This report was created as part of the Northern Analyst Collective. This project allows members to “time share” a professional policy analyst. By merging our collective resources we can ensure that the smallest municipality or local charity can access high-end skills at an affordable cost. For more information on the program click here.

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