A growing, sustainable, and self-sufficient Northern Ontario. One with the ability to not only identify opportunities but to pursue them, either on its own or through intelligent partnerships. A Northern Ontario that contributes both to its own success and to the success of others.
Our Mission
Northern Policy Institute is an independent policy institute. The objects for which the corporation is incorporated are:
• To advance education on the topic of sustainable growth in Northern Ontario. Including sustainable growth for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people and communities in Northern Ontario by conducting research and analysis in the field of economic, technological and social trends and then making the results publicly accessible;
• To advance education by providing internship positions to youth within Northern Ontario and by holding meetings and conferences for the general public, media, and government officials, and;
• To do all such things as are incidental or ancillary to the attainment of the above objects.
Our Values
Northern Policy Institute is a non-partisan, not-for-profit incorporated body providing fair, balanced and objective assessments of policy issues in a pan-Northern Ontario context;
Northern Policy Institute will support practical and applied research on current or emerging issues and implications relevant to Northern Ontario now and in the future in keeping with the themes and objectives of the Growth Plan for Northern Ontario, 2011;
Northern Policy Institute recognizes the value of multi-stakeholder, multi-disciplinary, and multicultural contributions to the collective advancement of Northern Ontario and works in a collaborative and inclusive approach to provide a full range of policy options for decision- makers;
Northern Policy Institute will complement the existing research efforts of Northern Ontario’s postsecondary institutions and non-government organizations and explore opportunities for coordinated efforts that contribute to the mandate of Northern Policy Institute; and
The work of Northern Policy Institute will be publicly accessible to stimulate public engagement and dialogue, promoting viewpoints on the interests of Northern Ontario and its people.